


随着世界适应COVID-19的新常态, you might encounter a virtual interview—rather than an in-person interview—in your job search.

面试过程本来就很吓人, 和 the thought of a virtual interview might make you even more nervous. You might find yourself wondering if you can make a meaningful impression on your interviewer from behind a computer screen.

但是不要惊慌. A virtual interview is different from an in-person interview in some key ways, but many of the same interview tips we give students 和 graduates still hold true. 在这里 are five tips to keep in mind as you prepare for a virtual interview.

第一印象至关重要. 即使是在虚拟面试中, it’s important that you are dressed professionally 和 appropriately for the position for which you’re interviewing. 根据美国.S. 商会基金会, 55%的第一印象是由PG电子游戏所看到的东西形成的. Even if it’s only from your waist up, be sure to dress professionally. Not only will it help you make a good impression, but you’ll likely feel more confident, too. You also want to make sure your background is neat, quiet 和 free of distraction. 你的空间反映了你自己,雇主肯定会注意到的.

There’s nothing worse than a bad connection when you’re trying to meet someone for the first time. 为了避免任何技术问题,请事先测试所有内容. 运行一个网速测试,测试你的麦克风和相机. Do a test three days before your interview 和 the morning of to make sure everything is in order. 如果你知道你的联系可能会有点不稳定, consider making arrangements to do the interview from a friend’s house or moving to another quiet, public place that may have better WiFi—和 don’t forget to do your tests from that location, 也。.

Whether your interview is in person or virtual, preparation is key. It’s important to do background research on the company you’re hoping to join. Knowing a little about the company will show your passion—not to mention help you know if it’s the right fit for you. 如果你知道面试官的名字, it’s also a great idea to do some background research on them to see if you have any common interests. Both of these tips will help you build rapport with your interviewer, 尽管屏幕和你之间的距离.

Again, just like in an in-person interview, every interview is a two-way street. Asking your own questions is a great way to impress your interviewer. This shows enthusiasm 和 passion about both the company 和 the position. 一定要在整个面试过程中做笔记. 这会让你专注于任务, show your interest 和 help you keep track of answers 和 information your interviewer has given you. Notes can be a great jumping off point for you when you follow up (another “do” for the process).

PG电子平台PG电子游戏很荣幸提供 职业服务 对于PG电子游戏的学生. Schedule a mock interview with our 职业服务 department before approaching your real interview to get some great tips 和 work out some of your nerves. 当你在模拟面试时, we can also critique your resume 和 share other dos 和 don’ts for the job search process.1


